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Advice on Having an Outdoor Wedding

If you are having, outdoor wedding decoration, an outdoor wedding you want to make sure that you and your guests are comfortable and that you wedding accessories and wedding decorations fit the theme. Here are a few tips to accomplish this goal.

Consider not choosing high heals to wear with your dress. If it has just rained, or the lawn was recently watered, you might sink down into the soft, outdoor wedding decoration, ground. You may also want to avoid purchasing a dress with a train. It will gather the dirt and grass as you walk. If you would still like to wear, outdoor wedding decoration,, outdoor wedding decoration, a dress with a train, make sure that you include an aisle runner in your wedding accessories.

Choose a season that has appropriate weather in the area you live in. Also choose a time of day that will be comfortable for the guests. Mid-day is usually too hot and nights may be a little too cold. Dusk is probably the best time.

You will want to consider putting a note in, outdoor wedding decoration, the invitation informing your guests what to expect. For example, if it is going to be in the evening as the sun is setting you might encourage the guests to bring an extra sweater as it might get cooler when the sun sets. You might also encourage them to wear comfortable shoes or to bring sunscreen if the wedding is in the middle of the day.

Before your wedding day, make sure to visit the location at, outdoor wedding decoration, the same time of day as the ceremony. You want to make sure that you won't have guests that are blinded by the sun! If you do find that the sun will be too hot for your guests, or that, outdoor wedding decoration, it will be in their eyes, you might consider placing seats under a canopy, or in a shaded area.

Bugs may be an issue to consider as well-- especially for an evening wedding. You can hire an exterminator before your wedding day or include citronella candles in your wedding decorations.

Make sure that you check if the facility has enough restrooms. If not, you might consider renting a port-a-potty. You can add some fresh flowers, wedding decorations,, outdoor wedding decoration, and some perfumed hand soap to help, but a port-a-potty is better than no potty!

Even though an outdoor wedding can be wonderful, you want to make sure that it not only looks nice with the perfect setting and perfect wedding decorations, but that it feels nice as well!