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Ideas For Outdoor and Indoor Spring Wedding Favors

There is simply no better time of year for love and commitment, outdoor wedding decoration, than the beautiful months of spring. The air is fresh and many beautiful plants are in bloom. When considering a spring wedding, it is important to consider how many different wedding favors may be used and why. The options for great spring favors are endless.

Favors for Outdoor Weddings:

If you are envisioning a beautiful outdoor garden-themed wedding, with your guests sitting in the open air, you may want to consider their comfort. Paper, wood, or silk hand fans not only, outdoor wedding decoration, provide relief from warm air; they look great on reception tables. Some fans are folding, while others are square paddle-fans.

Turn your wedding into a eco-friendly event. Supply bags of tree seed to your guests, outdoor wedding decoration, and you will surely be hailed as "green." These, outdoor wedding decoration, wedding favors are especially useful if your wedding is held before April 22, or Arbor Day. Your wedding, outdoor wedding decoration, will yield the growth of many new trees, and be a wonderful reminder to your guests!

Looking for a unique wedding favor idea? Miniature watering cans function as both, outdoor wedding decoration, place card holders and small vases for a flower or two. Of course, you may fill them with whatever you wish, such as Easter candy or birdseed. To make them even more special and unique, tie a personalized ribbon around them.

Spring Favors for Indoors:

Bring the, outdoor wedding decoration, outdoors to your indoor spring wedding with lucky bamboo plants. These can be purchased already in the vase, and are a great source of greenery. Your guests will appreciate the low-maintenance and beauty of these plants.

Spread a little sweetness around with pastel-colored Jordan almonds. Almonds have long been a tradition in weddings, and can be displayed in many different ways. One great way to use them as both decoration and a wedding favor is to place them in small ceramic dishes shaped like butterflies or flowers.

Though it may not be the best idea of fun for you, use rice or birdseed as a wedding favor. Your guests will definitely enjoy sending you and your spouse away by throwing handfuls of grain as the two of you shield your eyes and mouths! Netted bags are the best way to display rice and birdseed. Tie them with decorative ribbon and you have a great spring wedding favor.

Place card holders are always a classy idea for any wedding, and can work to fit almost any theme. Some spring place, outdoor wedding decoration, card holders are glass grapes, pineapples, chairs, doves, barbecue grills, wine cork, cocktails, starfish, and grand pianos. If you are looking for unusual wedding favor ideas, place card holders are sure to fit your, outdoor wedding decoration, taste. Mostly popular in the spring are Irish wedding favors. Irish favors are associated with spring mostly because of St. Patrick's Day. Shamrock shot glasses, miniature horseshoes, and Celtic Trinity knot wine goblets are all lucky favors to show your guests your appreciation.